throwed rolls

Last night we stayed over in Memphis, TN, at the main facility of a ministry called SOS (Service Over Self). We know them – in fact, about one year ago today, they hosted our spring break team for missions work in the rundown Binghampton neighborhood. Their facility includes sleeping quarters and showers for large numbers of people, so that worked out great.

Mike M. appeared with a swollen/infected eye yesterday – sorta unexpected. We watched it carefully for about 12 hours, and then Brian took him to the doc this morning, delaying our caravan for about an hour. We were happy to hear that it seem to be responding immediately to the drugs, so that’s good news. Feel free to pray for him – we are. He says he’s doin’ good.
Can you believe it – we’re almost home! We’ll see Champaign people this evening between 7 and 8pm, we think.
We’re almost done, but I’ll have a few more posts for you before I quit adding to our record here.
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