That's a powerful picture Chris. Seeing all the physical destruction is sad, but thinking about the emotional termoil of having their home life and schedule interrupted since August for an indefinite period of time is overwhelming. I'm thankful that you all are making a difference, and I'm praying for you. love, Alison Smith
How fifty of us are jumping in vans and surfing the interstate down to St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana to love, rebuild, work, serve, sweat, and give what we have to the long-term victims of Hurricane Katrina. Our coordinating partner is Samaritan's Purse, an international Christian charity who has completed more than 6000 disaster relief projects in the area to date. We're from the University of Illinois, our student fellowship is called I-Life, and this is our short story.
Hi Chris and Everyone,
That's a powerful picture Chris. Seeing all the physical destruction is sad, but thinking about the emotional termoil of having their home life and schedule interrupted since August for an indefinite period of time is overwhelming. I'm thankful that you all are making a difference, and I'm praying for you.
Alison Smith
Anonymous, at 10:10 AM
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