Well, we've been rolling all day: our white vans, pillows in the back seat, fast food, and talkabout radios. I convinced a medium-size group to join me at Church's Fried Chicken for dinner, and split an 8-piece dark-meat spicy chicken dinner with mashed potatoes and four grease-dipped biscuits. That's the south I remember (I'm from South Carolina originally!). But good thing there are familiar things like Walgreens - several of us had to stop to pick up forgotten toothbrushes, etc.
We're about to do "lights out" at our temporary lodging for the night - the Meadowbrook Church of Christ in Jackson, Mississippi (go elementary school spelling bee) has graciously housed all 50 of us. We wake at 7:30am tomorrow. God's been gracious.
I swear I have this exact same picture from just about every trip I've taken. Everybody in a dark parking lot waiting behind one fo the cars.
Trek on, friends.
Anonymous, at 11:44 PM
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