your team is headin' out

Hello friends,
For several months you've been hearing about this Spring Break trip to New Orleans. Well, it's here. Around 8 in the AM tomorrow morning we'll be shoving out of the Mobile station on Monticello road to join in the recovery effort in Chalmette Louisiana.
It will be dirty, grueling, dangerous work; but, there will be sun and highs in the mid-80s, so there will still be an element of the stereotypical Spring Break.
We'll be gutting homes, breathing through respirators, and handling big steel tools like wrecking bars and sledge hammers.
We need your partnership in many areas...
Prayer for our team would be a help.
a list of things to be praying for:
1. Safety- driving, working, our Sunday when we'll have the opportunity to connect with people in the neighborhoods
2. Wisdom- making snap decisions, looking out for others' safety, deciding how to do supplemental assistance for people in the neighborhood
3. Team/Unity- we are encouraging one another, looking out for one another, keeping short accounts of offenses, submitting to one another in reverence to Christ, we are all able to serve and build one another up out of our giftings
4. Adaptability- FEMA & Samaritan's Purse have never done anything this big before- there is no manual. We need to be people who can maneuver quickly: emotionally, mentally, and physically in order to adapt to any changes or issues with expectations
5. Centered on Christ- this involves a ton of stuff, among which includes loving one another, taking the initiative to love another person, LOOKING for open doors to share the Gospel, taking the initiative to serve others, seeking intimacy with Christ throughout the entire trip, and going with a desire to see God glorified in our eyes and the eyes of all who are watching.
6. Money- fundraising has been going well! We would like to see more come in, so a sizeable donation can be made to Samaritan's Purse to continue helping with the work down there, and to assure us that all the expenses will be paid for.
Thank you for struggling in prayer for us.
Dan Herron & Brian Smith
hi, this message is for matt febus, it's you sister and nephew, just wanted to say hi and we are thinking about you! :)
Anonymous, at 7:43 PM
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